Ship Cluster Behavior Model with Strategic and Tactical Obstacle Avoidance

Mingyang Pan, Masaaki Inaishi, Akira Kawaguchi
2008 The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation  
JapanInstitute of Navigation 1].9g gptZ 20 Hl 5 A 22 HH]Swtta7fteg 118 @Mthkl[rncfa 43 Abstract This paper describes an improvement made fbr the expressive capabilities ofthe ship cluster behavior rnodel, . The geal ofthis study is te realize a pseudo realistic marine trathc flow analysis in the cemplex sea environment. The approach is based on the development of the proactive means eapable ofdeteeting obstpcles and assisting safe group navigation. Specifically, two enhancernents so called
more » ... egic navigation planning in a global cemputation phase and tactical obstacle avoidance in a local cemputatlon phase are app]ied to the ship cluster behavior model. The va;idity ofthe enhanced ship cluster behavior model is evaluated using cornputer simulations in artificially generated geographic environments. The results confimn the model's streng abilities in supperting complex trathc fiow simulations. A series of experiments are also performed for the navigation of Tokyo Bay to investigate the formation of the traMc fiow under varying conditions ofgeographic features. KZiywortis: Marine trcu7ic simuiation, ship agent, ohstacle avoiclance, route ptanning convex hult
doi:10.9749/jin.119.43 fatcat:7ovno3cy4zeabawfgxzlbkrw64