Measuring Dirac CP-violating phase with intermediate energy beta beam facility

P. Bakhti, Y. Farzan
2014 European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields  
Taking the established nonzero value of θ_13, we study the possibility of extracting the Dirac CP-violating phase by a beta beam facility with a boost factor 100<γ<450. We compare the performance of different setups with different baselines, boost factors and detector technologies. We find that an antineutrino beam from ^6He decay with a baseline of L=1300 km has a very promising CP discovery potential using a 500 kton Water Cherenkov (WC) detector. Fortunately this baseline corresponds to the
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doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-2777-7 fatcat:aui4nphudjcdhoobpwmpu6vltq