An approach to ensure the trustworthiness of cloud platform using the trusted chain

Wang Guan, Gao Lubaihui
2014 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System   unpublished
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) provides users with "pay" calculation mode in cloud platform. Users can obtain computing or storage resources he needed from suppliers to load related applications and just rent that part of the resources to pay for at the same time. However, users start to lose their control over data access under this condition so that security issues bear the brunt. In this paper, we take advantage of the idea that trusted computing combine with current existing technology
more » ... n IaaS. By embedding TPM chip into the cloud platform, we can use remote attention with proof of the trust chain information to prove whether remote nodes are trustworthiness or not. Thus, it can guarantee the security of the aspect of hardware in IaaS.
doi:10.2991/csss-14.2014.44 fatcat:zgsucr7d3zcjdczteaibeertmy