Some Considerations on the Critical Water Application Rate and the Required Quantity - Wood Crib Fire Extinction and Wild Fire Suppression -

1986 Bulletin of Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering  
A genera面zed theory on the critical water apphcation rate in the wood chb fire extinction and wild fire supPression is discussed in this paper。 (1) Crib fire extinction The energy poursinto the bumable areain the wet area occupied87−65%when the bumable critical radiative intensity of the char was assumed between4,564and15,000Kcal/m2・h.Besides because the flying sparkles and flames lick up the wet surface,it was considered the primary condition for the total extinction is to sweep the whole
more » ... ce before a portion of the surface dries up.With the above basis and assumptions,a general equation expressed in terms of crib geometry was derived on the radiation m6de1.The agreement with expeゴments seemed reasonable when the water was
doi:10.11196/kasai.35.2_31 fatcat:hjoxap35t5dxrekjrarovgzt6e