Serotonin and exercise-induced brain plasticity

2015 Neurotransmitter  
Exercise/physical activity causes a lot of influences on the central nervous system of animals in terms of structure and function. Many studies have reported morphological and behavioral changes that are induced by exercise. For instance, previous studies have shown that exercise augments neurogenesis and synaptogenesis in the hippocampus. Exercise also induces antidepressant effects, and enhances learning and memory. As it is known that exercise induces an increase in serotonin
more » ... mine, 5-HT) levels in the animal brain, the serotonin system has been suggested to play a significant role in the neuronal effects induced by exercise. In this review, we discuss the action of serotonin in the brain plasticity, such as enhanced neurogenesis in the hippocampus and antidepressant effects, which are induced by exercise. To cite this article: Makoto Kondo, et al. Serotonin and exercise-induced brain plasticity. Neurotransmitter 2015; 2: e793.
doi:10.14800/nt.793 fatcat:gcnlpd7ukzflzk6m34jtj6xt6a