Peculiarities of a Pain in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease in the Presence of Individual Combines of the Metabolic Syndrome

Badritdinova MN, Razhabova GKh, Akhmedova ShM, Akhmedova GI
2020 International Journal of Current Research and Review  
Diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance, in general, are more associated with the duration of painful episodes than normal glucose tolerance. However, in the presence of ischemic heart disease cardiac ischemia, the duration of painful episodes among patients with diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance is lower than among those without cardiac ischemia. Objective: To study the specifics of the duration of a painful attack in patients with coronary artery disease in the
more » ... of the main components of the metabolic syndrome. Methods: Patienst with complaining of pain in the chest and his left hand were evaluated. In all patients parameters as blood pressure, body weight (Quetelet index), cholesterol, triglycerides, and glycemia were studied. Results: The study of the relationship between the duration of painful attacks and the presence of hypertension showed that the presence of hypertension significantly increases both the risk of coronary artery disease as a whole and the appearance of ischemic changes on the electrocardiography. The study of the duration of painful attack depending on body weight showed that the duration of painful attack among cardiac ischemia patients is lower than among those without this disease. Conclusion: The study suggests a link between the duration of painful attacks and the presence of the main components of metabolic syndrome. The data obtained to give a certain idea of the relationship between the duration of painful attacks in the chest and the presence of certain components of the metabolic syndrome.
doi:10.31782/ijcrr.2020.122426 fatcat:m5uooou275f4pl22hslysqglsm