Electronic Raman scattering in underdopedYBa2Cu3O6.5

X. K. Chen, J. G. Naeini, K. C. Hewitt, J. C. Irwin, R. Liang, W. N. Hardy
1997 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
The polarized Raman spectra of underdoped YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6.5 (T c ϭ61 K͒ have been measured. The XY (B 2g ) spectrum exhibits a superconductivity-induced redistribution and a frequency dependence that suggests the presence of nodes near the ͑Ϯ1,Ϯ1͒ directions in k space. The XЈY Ј(B 1g ) spectrum is unaffected by the transition to the superconducting state and the intensity I(B 1g ) is significantly reduced relative to the level found in optimally doped compounds. This drop in intensity occurs
more » ... ause of a loss of spectral weight from the regions of the Brillouin zone near ͑,0͒, which is associated with the opening of a pseudogap in the underdoped compound.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.56.r513 fatcat:dqir6madyjd5tgiims4u2uli4a