Crossover between short- and long-range proximity effects in superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions with Ni-based ferromagnets

O. M. Kapran, T. Golod, A. Iovan, A. S. Sidorenko, A. A. Golubov, V. M. Krasnov
2021 Physical review B  
We study superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor junctions with CuNi, PtNi, or Ni interlayers. Remarkably, we observe that supercurrents through Ni can be significantly larger than through diluted alloys. The phenomenon is attributed to the dirtiness of disordered alloys leading to a short coherence length despite a small exchange energy. To the contrary, pure Ni is clean resulting in a coherence length as long as in a normal metal. Analysis of temperature dependencies of critical currents
more » ... eals a crossover from short (dirty) to long (clean) range proximity effects in Pt 1−x Ni x with increasing Ni concentration. Our results point out that structural properties of a ferromagnet play a crucial role for the proximity effect and indicate that conventional strong-but-clean ferromagnets can be advantageously used in superconducting spintronic devices.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.103.094509 fatcat:5thrqlpk4zdsfizepknsjldwau