Hepatocyte Growth Factor Induces GATA-4 Phosphorylation and Cell Survival in Cardiac Muscle Cells

Kazumi Kitta, Regina M. Day, Yuri Kim, Ingrid Torregroza, Todd Evans, Yuichiro J. Suzuki
2002 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is released in response to myocardial infarction and may play a role in regulating cardiac remodeling. Recently, HGF was found to inhibit the apoptosis of cardiac muscle cells. Because GATA-4 can induce cell survival, the effects of HGF on GATA-4 activity were investigated. Treatment of HL-1 cells or primary adult rat cardiac myocytes with HGF, at concentrations that can be detected in the human serum after myocardial infarction, rapidly en-
doi:10.1074/jbc.m211616200 pmid:12468531 fatcat:wqsaew2sabee7epkyq5fshr6oe