A Knowledge-Based Natural Language Database Interface [report]

Sandra F. Kappes, Arthur B. Baskin, Robert E. Reinke, Larry B. Holder
1991 unpublished
This report describes the development of a user interface to the Construction Appropriations Control and Execution System (CAPCES) using artificial intelligence techniques. CAPCES is a database used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to store data generated during the Military Construction, Army (MCA) program development process. The goal of this research was to produce an interface to simplify access to CAPCES data, increasing the data's usefulness throughout the construction programming
more » ... ss. ELECT This research developed Expert-MCA, a proto-JUN l911 U type system that allows users to query CAPCES using ordinary English. Expert-MCA combines knowledge of the MCA Cycle and the CAPCES database to translate English queries into FOCUS database commands that are executed in the CAPCES database. 91-02448 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
doi:10.21236/ada237043 fatcat:zwxxbhb3cnb6ng6xgiozzs4wi4