Focal ossification as one of the reasons for erroneous diagnosis of chorioretinal lesions

Alevtina S. Stoyukhina
2019 Офтальмологические ведомости  
Focal calcifications of the retina and choroid occur usually in such well-known tumors as: retinoblastoma, choroidal osteoma, choroidal hemangioma, retinal astrocytoma. In addition, cases of idiopathic or secondary calcification are known, the most common of them is sclerochoroidal calcification. The article provides a detailed analysis of the clinical and tomographic pictures of ossifying conditions occurring in adults. It is shown that, in addition to a different ophthalmoscopic picture,
more » ... conditions are characterized by a different level of localization of the pathological calcification zone and a different stage of retinal damage.
doi:10.17816/ov15931 fatcat:brqxnvyj35cxpbdyrrfcrr3tyq