Challenges and barriers perceived by paravets and veterinarians in delivery of minor- veterinary services at farmers' door- step: An exploratory study in four States of India

Vikash Kumar, HR Meena
2021 Indian journal of dairy science  
Delivery of animal health service is unique in India in the term that it is delivered by both paravets and veterinarians and in the complementary and supplementary relationship sometimes, with co-ordination and also independently. Paravets are very low in educational qualification and training, with improper execution of their roles and responsibilities with desired accuracy and accountability. The present study was conceptualized to assess the challenges and barriers in the delivery of
more » ... terinary services at farmers' door-step from the perspective of trainers of paravet school (veterinarians) as well as paravet themselves. The research was carried under an exploratory research design, in which a random sampling method was used to reach out to the respondents. Key issues in decisionmaking regarding livestock extension and veterinary services (based on guidelines issued by DFID) as perceived by veterinarians were identified. Results indicated that lack of information booklets on breeding and management, substandardized curriculum and limited skills in diagnosis, lack of regular training programmes, and ethical issues with role obligations were prioritized challenges. Trainers agreed that multiple issues were plaguing delivery of animal health service as obtained RBQ values which were not showing a wide variation. Hence interventions should be planned with a wider focus to resolve these constraints plaguing the delivery of minor veterinary services.
doi:10.33785/ijds.2021.v74i02.012 fatcat:rgeaovb63bdjza65cf4dlijewy