Distributed language theory, with or without dialogue

Per Linell
2013 Language Sciences  
This review article is a discussion of Stephen Cowley's (2011) anthology entitled Distributed Language. The review takes up some important concepts and discussions that have acquired renewed interest within the language sciences, in and through Distributed Language Theory. These include the claims that language is 'distributed', 'non-local' and 'values-realising'. In particular I discuss the relation of DLT to 'dialogical' ideas of language and languaging, that is, claims that human
more » ... (in languaging and by other means) is fundamentally characterised by interdependencies between different sense-makers. 1 I am grateful to Sarah Bro Pedersen for valuable comments on a previous version of this article. I alone am responsible for what I finally decided to say. 2 Cowley, S. (Ed.), 2011. Distributed Language. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. ISBN 978 90 272 0253 6 (Hb), 978 90 272 8415 0 (Eb), pp. ix + 220. I am grateful to Sarah Bro Pedersen for valuable comments on a previous version of this article. I alone am responsible for what I finally decided to say.
doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2013.04.001 fatcat:j3dlw24aujf73bey2zpintflva