Dynamics of the Non-Contact Roundness Measurement with Air Gages

Czesław Janusz Jermak, Mirosław Rucki
2016 Acta Mechanica et Automatica  
The paper presents the results of investigations on the air gages dynamic characteristics in the measurement of the round profiles of motor cylinders. The principle of the measuring device is explained, and the analysis of the air gages dynamics is described. The results of dynamic calibration enabled to eliminate those configurations of air gages that may not meet the requirements of the measurement they were designed for. After the proper air gages were chosen, the entire system underwent the
more » ... accuracy test and passed it successfully revealing the method accuracy better than 10% compared to the reference measurement.
doi:10.1515/ama-2016-0035 fatcat:e5kchcme7jhbrevq2fuqvi6jzu