Housing Concerns Faced by Immigrant Women Dealing with Intimate Partner Violence: Findings of a Qualitative Study in Vancouver, Canada

Sadaf Seifi, Sepali Guruge, Margareth Zanchetta
2018 Arts and Social Scienses Journal  
This paper presents the results of a qualitative, interpretive, descriptive, study that explored the lived experiences of immigrant women who had experienced intimate partner violence and consequently were facing housing concerns in Vancouver, Canada. The data were generated through 15 individual interviews with immigrant women (n=11) who had experienced intimate partner violence, as well as service providers (n=4). Analyses explored how a lack of adequate housing in the context of experiencing
more » ... intimate partner violence affected the safety and stability of immigrant women. The findings revealed that some women were left on the verge of homelessness, and that housing needs are even more pronounced for immigrant women who face language barriers and tend to lack financial means and established support systems. Ar ts an d S o ci al Sci en c e s J ou rnal
doi:10.4172/2151-6200.1000427 fatcat:a4byujtgvffzxnwjoiin6fnnne