A Statistical Inquiry into the Nature and Treatment of Epilepsy. A. Hughes Bennett, M.D., Phys. Hospital for Epilepsy and Paralysis; Ass. Phys. to the Westminster Hospital. London: H. K. Lewis, 1884

1886 Journal of Mental Science  
1886.] Revieres. 587 The second part of the work, the so-called " Aphorisms," consists of a number of brief essays upon various subjects more or less connected with idiots and their care. " Die cur hie," for example, is the heading of a disquisition upon the qualifications of a true idiot-helper. " Aliis in serviendo ipse consumer," is another aphorism. " Docendo diseimus," and "Restraint and no Restraint"â€"(the latter printed in English) â€"are also headings which catch our eye ; and there is
more » ... a paragraph on the mutual relations of physician and director. We congratulate Dr. Sengeliuann on his ex perience of "hand-in-hand" co-operation of twenty years standing with the medical staff of his institution, and could wish that the same harmonious result were always ex perienced where superintendent and doctor are not one and the same pei'son. With regard to the third partâ€"the " Life Pictures "â€"our space only allows us to say that it contains much interesting reading, though of course rather of a graphic than of a scientific character. The motto of one of its sections, " Lost and Found," will give an idea of its contents. The three parts comprise upwards of 600 pages, and are printed in clear type upon good paper, important recom mendations in the case of a book printed in the German character. Dr. Sengeluiann deserves much credit for the industry and research which this work displays.
doi:10.1192/bjp.31.136.587 fatcat:n5g55g5tuffi5clnm2u4gp45py