Personal Psychological Culture as a Condition for Psychological Health Preservation of Lecturers, in the Context of Education

Galina Vinokurova, Aksana Yashkova, Maria Alayeva, Elena Dementieva
2016 unpublished
The article is devoted to the problem of modern society -the preservation of mental health of individuals. It is noted that in the conditions of modernization of higher education special requirements for high school teacher, which should have a new set of competencies and a certain set of psychological characteristics that characterize the level of its professional and psychological culture. The article describes the concept: the psychological health of the individual, psychological culture,
more » ... structural components. The results of empirical study of psychological culture and mental health of high school teachers. The study showed that in some of the teachers there is an insufficient level of development of the intellectual component of psychological culture -teachers are not well aware of the psychology students, the high level of young people knowledge of psychology was marked by the teachers who have special (mental) training; study of regulatory and practical (behavioral), and value-semantic components of psychological culture revealed that most of the teachers have high and medium level of development of these indicators, however, part of the teachers is not enough ability to rapidly establish deep and rapid establishment, to subject-subject communication. It has been established that there is a close correlation indicators of psychological health and psychological culture of personality of high school teacher. The article noted that the findings are important for the further development of preventive measures, as well as to develop guidelines aimed at the preservation and development of the psychological health of the individual university teachers, on the alignment of the university system of improving their psychological culture. Keywords: psychological culture, personality, intellectual (cognitive) component of psychological culture, regulatory and practical (behavioural) component of psychological culture, axiological and semantic (spiritual and moral) component of psychological culture, psychological health, higher education teacher.
doi:10.15405/epsbs.2016.07.67 fatcat:fnseeydkqze7jjcdhsnbfp4odm