Parallel-resonator HF micromechanical bandpass filters

J.R. Clark, F.D. Bannon, Ark-Chew Wong, C.T.-C. Nguyen
Proceedings of International Solid State Sensors and Actuators Conference (Transducers '97)  
High frequency, fourth-order, micromechanical bandpass filters, with tunable frequency and bandwidth, and filter Q's in the thousands, are demonstrated in a polysilicon surface micromachining technology. These filters utilize a parallel-resonator architecture, in which properly phased outputs from two or more micromechanical resonators are combined to yield a desired filter spectrum. Design formulas are given for Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel filters, and each of these filter types are
more » ... nstrated with center frequencies close to 14.5 MHz and filter Q's ranging from 830 to 1600.
doi:10.1109/sensor.1997.635411 fatcat:z3okralg2bbnxpqe3fig4dtvp4