To Correspondents

1846 Scientific American  
light, and the mode of connection presents no difficulty.-A swimming school was instituted by the ,Eton Colle�e authorities in 1836, in or der that fa tal accidents to tile boys on the Thames might be prevented ; a regulation be ing made that none who could not swim should be permItted to indulge in boating. Sinc� that time, HOO scholars have passed the swim ming test. There are annual swimmin� ichool games, when professorships of swim ming and diving, and medals, are bestowed on the most
more » ... . A fe w days ago these games were held, and every thing went off well ; 217 of the present scholars were swimmers. The iron trade of South StaffordshIre, is now in a more flourishing condition than it has been for some time. Orders have been pouring in from all quarters for raD way iron. A cOJltract has just been made by several ot our large ironmasters for 8000 tons of iron for the great Menai Straits Bridge, in connection with the Chester and Holyhe;td Railway.-The suspension of the bu�iness of the Leeds Com mercial Bank was in a quarter of an hour known in Bi�mingham through the electric te ]egraph.-Tli'e French have been carrying on some fa ttening experimeuts on ducks : those fed on rice remained lean, those fe d on butter ed rice became fa t. Inventions and l:mproveIll ents Patented by Boga1�dl1.s Esq. N. Y.
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican12191846-103a fatcat:5mjidgolfjfmtbk5cxkgyxeq34