PeelingThe Onion: Satire and the Complexity of Audience Response

Jane Fife
2016 Rhetoric Review  
Satire is a popular form of comedic social critique frequently theorized in terms of Kenneth Burke's comic frame. While its humor and unexpected combination of incongruous elements can reduce tension that surrounds controversial issues to make new perspectives more accessible, audience response to satire can vary tremendously-including the very negative as well as the very positive. Teaching satire should include exposure to rhetorical theory and audience reception analysis to better prepare
more » ... dents as consumers and creators of satires. With a complex, layered pedagogy, satire can be an important component of the twenty-first-century rhetor's toolkit.
doi:10.1080/07350198.2016.1215000 fatcat:kkjmw2x5o5cyxe26m22hfp4cei