Application of the remote-sensing communication model to a time-sensitive wildfire remote-sensing system

Christopher D. Lippitt, Douglas A. Stow, Philip J. Riggan
2016 International Journal of Remote Sensing  
Remote sensing for hazard response requires a priori identification of sensor, transmission, processing, and distribution methods to permit the extraction of relevant information in timescales suffi cient to allow managers to make a given time-sensitive decision. This study applies and demonstrates the utility of the Remote Sensing Communication Model (RSCM) to improve a tactical wild fire remote-sensing system to better meet the time-sensitive infor mation requirements of emergency response
more » ... agers in San Diego County, USA. A thermal infrared airborne remote-sensing system designed and operated by the United States Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station for active wildfire monitoring is documented and updated based on the RSCM. Analysis of the thermal infrared remote-sensing system in the context of the RSCM identified three configuration changes that can improve the effectiveness of the information produced when employed by wildfire incident commanders for suppression prioritization: (1) limit spectral sampling collection to a single waveband; (2) complete image processing steps on-board the aircraft; and (3) provide information on wildfire locations to incident commanders in the form of a static map.
doi:10.1080/01431161.2016.1196840 fatcat:ti7jdmjeurh7rdj24umx6rnuve