Reaction Mechanisms of Free Radical Photosensitive Materials.(I)
遊離基感光材の反応機構 (I)

Takuji MIWA, Toshio ISHIKAWA
1975 Journal of The Society of Photographic Science and Technology of Japan  
On diphenylamine-carbon tetrabromide system, various reaction intermediates were observed in their n-hexane, benzene and methanol solutions. 1) diphenylamine cation radical which has a absorption maximum at 640, 650 and 670 nm in n-hexane, benzene and methanol respectively. 2) triphenylmethane type radical which has absorption maximum at 655 and 645 nm in n-hexane and benzene. 3) other intermediates. 3-1) diphenylmethane type radical which has absorption maximum at about 450 nm, 3-2)
more » ... ne type radical which absorbs near ultraviolet light around 350 nm, 3-3) bromine radical which has a absorption maximum at about 460 nm, 3-4) etc.
doi:10.11454/photogrst1964.38.360 fatcat:b3itd7qhz5fhzog6cxge4bummq