Mobile Technologies and Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institutions: Students' and Educators' Perspectives

Abdulelah Alshehri, Therese M. Cumming
2020 World Journal of Education  
Mobile devices are increasingly included for knowledge management (KM) in academic contexts. The purpose of this study was to examine how the integration of mobile technologies affects KM among students and educators in higher education settings in Saudi Arabia. Interviews with educators and students at two universities explored the factors determining the use of mobile technologies for learning. Content analysis of the participants' responses found that the students and educators perceived
more » ... key factors determining mobile technology use: the capacity of mobile technologies to enhance learning processes, teaching practices, and student-student and student-educator communicative interactions, and hardware and infrastructure components. The main conclusion was that Saudi universities must utilise mobile technologies to identify, encapsulate, transform, and disseminate usable knowledge effectively.
doi:10.5430/wje.v10n1p12 fatcat:dzemtvye4bbbpkxesfw54hpvli