Pump and Fan Technology Characterization and R&D Assessment [report]

William Goetzler, Matt Guernsey, Greg Chung
2015 unpublished
The Department of Energy's (DOE) Building Technology Office (BTO), a part of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) engaged Navigant Consulting, Inc., (Navigant) to develop this report on energy efficiency opportunities and barriers for pumps and fans. The initiatives identified in this report are Navigant's recommendations to DOE/BTO for pursuing in an effort to achieve DOE's energy efficiency goals. Inclusion in this report does not guarantee funding; water heating
more » ... ives must be evaluated in the context of all potential activities that DOE/BTO could undertake to achieve their goals.
doi:10.2172/1422704 fatcat:xpelt7gpefg4zd3n5j57msnsza