Implementation of RFID technology for real-time materials tracking process in construction projects

Narimah Kasim, Alina Shamsuddin, Rozlin Zainal, Naadira Che Kamarudin
2012 2012 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering (CHUSER)  
The management of materials in construction projects is a key function that significantly contributes to the success of a project. Materials management is made problematic by materials shortages, delays in supply, price fluctuations, damage and wastage, and lack of storage space. Paper-based reports are mostly used to record and exchange information related to the materials component within a supply chain, which is problematic, error-prone, and inefficient. Generally, emerging technologies such
more » ... as wireless system, bar-coding and RFID are not being adequately used to overcome human error and are not well integrated with project management systems to make the tracking and management of materials easier and faster. Thus, this study seeks to identify the potential employment of that technology focusing on RFID for materials management in construction projects. As a precursor to this work, a literature review on materials management and exploring RFID technology potentially being employ in materials tracking was conducted. The findings reveal the needs for more sophisticated materials management solutions to improve on-site materials tracking and inventory management processes. The paper concludes by presenting a real-time materials tracking process with RFID employment to improve materials management in the construction site.
doi:10.1109/chuser.2012.6504402 fatcat:cwl5422fe5f4plavz764ytfvti