Heat Transfer in a Porous Radial Fin: Analysis of Numerically Obtained Solutions

R. Jooma, C. Harley
2017 Advances in Mathematical Physics  
A time dependent nonlinear partial differential equation modelling heat transfer in a porous radial fin is considered. The Differential Transformation Method is employed in order to account for the steady state case. These solutions are then used as a means of assessing the validity of the numerical solutions obtained via the Crank-Nicolson finite difference method. In order to engage in the stability of this scheme we conduct a stability and dynamical systems analysis. These provide us with an
more » ... assessment of the impact of the nonlinear sink terms on the stability of the numerical scheme employed and on the dynamics of the solutions.
doi:10.1155/2017/1658305 fatcat:qkojwxur3jhffhruzcu4gjzila