Chapter Three - The Ramsden Estate Dispute of 1850-1867 [chapter]

John Halstead
2020 Power in the Land: The Ramsdens and their Huddersfield Estate, 1542−1920  
Introduction the ramsden tenure dispute of 1850−67 originated in the lax management of the estate and developed in the response to attempts to modernise its practice. The estate was not alone among landowners in the Huddersfield district during the early nineteenth century who were absentee or took a passive approach to their holdings but action was taken earlier elsewhere. This provided competition to the Ramsden Estate and a model to which its critics and some of its friends from time to time
more » ... referred. The characters and personalities of those involved were an important element in the dispute, but the human drama sprang from the circumstance that Huddersfield, as an early industrial revolution growth town, experienced a rapid increase in population with an archaic system of local governance. The consequence was poor housing, nuisances and a lack of public amenities, deleterious to the population's health, despite the area's natural advantages. Concern about such matters related to land ownership and tenure and was a factor in the dispute, but the central issue, clearly perceived by some of the parties, was 'betterment'. Who should receive, and in what proportion and circumstances, the increasing value of the estate from the growth of population on the land and its associated levels of economic activity? The dispute ran through three phases. The first phase refers to the original management of the estate and the interregnum between the death of Sir John Ramsden, the fourth baronet, in 1839 and the majority of his heir and grandson, Sir John William Ramsden, the fifth baronet, in 1852. In this phase Isabella Ramsden, widow of John Charles Ramsden and mother of John William, acting as a Trustee under her father-in-law's will, brought George Loch in to improve estate management. Joshua Hobson, the principal critic chapter three 87
doi:10.5920/pitl.03 fatcat:afuizvyu5fghxftbccx6kmdua4