BlueScouts - a scatternet formation protocol based on mobile agents

S. Gonzalez-Valenzuela, S.T. Vuong, V.C.M. Leung
2004 2004 4th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, 2004. ASWN 2004.  
We present a novel solution to the scatternet formation problem in Bluetooth † networks by means of the mobile processing paradigm. In contrast to existing protocols that employ the message-passing communications model, ours employs mobile programs that assist in the dynamic formation of Bluetooth scatternets. We argue that this approach offers improved flexibility when compared to hard-coded protocols for wireless networks management. Simulation results support the effectiveness of the
more » ... scheme, which overcomes constraints experienced by existing protocols at comparable overhead costs.
doi:10.1109/aswn.2004.185161 fatcat:kxaqsojoxjgujbpmfjqehaziza