Unpacking perceived organizational justice-organizational cynicism relationship: Moderating role of psychological capital

Sajjad Hussain, Khurram Shahzad
2021 Asia Pacific Management Review  
Using a time-lagged design with a diverse sample of 225 employees from an under-researched country, the study examined the main effects of perceived organizational justice (OJ) on organizational cynicism (OC). Using conservation of resource (COR) theory, this study also unpacked combined effects of psychological capital (PC) and perceived organizational justice on OC. Linear regression analyses revealed that distributive justice (DJ) was negatively related to OC, procedural justice (PJ) has a
more » ... gative but insignificant relationship with OC, and interactional justice (IJ) was negatively related to OC. Combined effects of perceived DJ and PC significantly moderated OC. Interactive effects of perceived IJ and PC on OC were also significant. However, combined effects of perceived PJ and PC on OC were statistically insignificant.
doi:10.1016/j.apmrv.2021.03.005 fatcat:i2r75qqyufabrhvbre3de5cbra