Casa din zori
House of Dawn
Lorin Niculae, Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism "Ion Mincu", București, România, Ana-Dora Matei, Alecsandru Vasiliu, Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism "Ion Mincu", București, România, Universitatea de Arhitectură și Urbanism "Ion Mincu", București, România
Argument. Spațiul construit. Concept și expresie
"House of Dawn" is the name of a project pertaining to the Arhipera trademark. It follows the same line of action of the group, namely the practice of social participatory architecture. The project concentrates on assuming the human capital that is in the limit situation of privation of shelter and tries to integrate it in a program that involves qualification and professional conversion in the construction field; the goal of the program is the "overnight" building of a minimal dwelling. The
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... utions for this category of persons in state of difficulty, situated at the extremity of the society, entails the configuration of varied typologies of minimal evolutive dwellings; as in the previous projects, the solutions aim at a democratic architecture obtained by using the "bottom‐up" model. In addition, the project proposes an ecological approach of the design, a durable development of the dwellings and puts a strong emphasis on the sustainability. From a topological point of view, the plots for building the dwellings for the homeless people will be connected with the existent urban tissue in order to achieve the social integration of the participants in the program; the choice of the plots focuses on unconventional spaces with regard to social habitation. A possibility that has been carefully considered from scratch is the reprocessing of unused urban spaces, including the recycling of the initial architectural function. Through the manifest of this program we propose the conversion of certain unfinished spaces of the totalitarian architecture of The People's House/The Palace of Parliament into spaces for social dwellings destined for unsheltered people. In this particular case, the architectural recycling transforms the Totalitarianism into democracy and restores The People's House to the people itself. The project is based on the norms of common law regarding the right to occupy the space meant for habitation. A family that is able to erect a house overnight on a plot on which it has no rights to is dignified to inhabit the respective space and proves to be useful from a social and economic point of view to the community that accepts it. The idea of the project is also sustained by a program of social integration of the beneficiaries and their inclusion in the labor market. The implementation of this type of social architecture is defined by efficiency, adaptability and flexibility and it's centered both on the consolidation of the communitarian potential and on dwelling as an essential dimension of the humans. At the border of day and night, at the intersection of two spaces placed at the extremes, the Arhipera projects speak about opening the limit and abolishing it.