Isman Muhlis, M. Yusuf Tahir, Mardyawati Mardyawati
2019 Idaarah Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan  
This research discuss the relation between teacher recruitment strategies and achievement awards toward work motivation at Sanggar Genius Yatim Mandiri Makassar with the aims: 1) to find out the teacher's recruitment strategies at Sanggar Genius Yatim Mandiri Makassar; 2) to discover the teacher's achievement awards Sanggar Genius Yatim Mandiri Makassar; 3) to determine the work motivation Sanggar Genius Yatim Mandiri Makassar; 4) to examine the correlation between teacherss recruitment and
more » ... motivation at Sanggar Genius Yatim Mandiri Makassar; 5) to examine the correlation between achievement awards and work motivation at Sanggar Genius Yatim Mandiri Makassar; and 6) to examine the correlation between the teacher's recruitment, the achievement of work motivation toward work motivation at Sanggar Genius Yatim Mandiri Makassar. This research is a quantitative by ex post facto method. Instrument used is a questionarre than analyzed by using product moment correlation. This research indicate that: 1) the teacher's recruitment strategy was in the very good category of the criteria set; 2) achievement awards for teachers were in the medium category 3) the teachers work motivation was in the medium category 4) the correlation between recruitment and selection of educators with work motivation showed a positive at a strong relation level; 5) the correlation between achievement awards for teachers with work motivation showed a positive and significant correlation at a moderate level of relation; 6) the correlation between recruitment and selection of teachers and achievement awards together with work motivation showed a positive and significant correlation at a strong relation level. PENDAHULUAN ekolah sebagai suatu institusi atau lembaga pendidikan merupakan sarana untuk melaksanakan proses pengembanagan karakter peserta didik. Sekolah bukan hanya dijadikan sebagai tempat berkumpul bagi guru dan siswa melainkan suatu sistem yang kompleks dan dinamis. Visi, misi dan tujuan diperlukan agar pengelolaan sekolah terarah dengan jelas. Bisa saja sekolah yang memiliki guru yang berkualitas, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, siswa yang kualitasnya diatas rata-rata tetapi gagal dalam mewujudkan lulusan yang berkualitas. Tenaga pendidik merupakan salah satu unsur terpenting dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Tenaga kependidikan adalah anggota masyarakat yang mengabdikan diri dan diangkat untuk menunjang penyelenggaraan pendidikan, yang meliputi S HUBUNGAN STRATEGI REKRUTMEN TENAGA PENDIDIK DAN.... JURNAL IDAARAH, VOL. III, NO. 2, DESEMBER 2019  263
doi:10.24252/idaarah.v3i2.10719 fatcat:cau7leyt7venfm5awodyouor7y