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Bùi Thị Phượng
2019 Can Tho University Journal of Science  
Self-study in higher education in terms of transfer of knowledge and skills and improvements in learners' capacity of increased learning outcomes has been increasingly documented. The developed economy creates different social needs with the requirements of competence, quality and knowledge. Thus, it is necessary to help students to become active and creative in their study and work. Research on the use of library promoting self-study plays a role in supporting the school's educational goals in
more » ... the field of study and research. This research, based on a survey of 300 students (150 first and second year students, 150 third and fourth year students) at the Can Tho Learning Resource Center from February to April 2018, is to answer two following questions: How do students perceive the importance of self-study for learning and research? What is the role of libraries in student self-learning? The result of the research shows that students have positive perceptions about self-study through using the library regularly and spending "self-study" time preparing for the exams.
doi:10.22144/ctu.jvn.2019.009 fatcat:bedgeqleanfxxomhvl3344hdku