A Future for Organization Theory: Living in and Living with Changing Organizations

James P. Walsh, Alan D. Meyer, Claudia Bird Schoonhoven
2006 Organization science (Providence, R.I.)  
W e believe that the field of organization theory is adrift. In sailing jargon, we are "in irons"-stalled and making little headway toward understanding organizations and their place in our lives. We first attempt to diagnose our maladies and then, in this light, offer three broad research questions that just might reinvigorate our work: First, how can we understand today's changing organizations? Second, how can we live in these organizations? And third, how can we best live with them? We
more » ... by calling attention to how our familiar approaches to building and testing theory might hamper any attempt to revitalize our field.
doi:10.1287/orsc.1060.0215 fatcat:owti5l6wffegbgdwr6m5rehf4y