Interactive Systems for Designing Machine Elements and Assemblies

Wojciech Kacalak, Maciej Majewski, Keith Douglas Stuart, Zbigniew Budniak
2015 Management and Production Engineering Review  
The article describes the development of fundamentals of machine elements and assemblies design processes automation using artificial intelligence, and descriptions of structural elements' features in a natural language. In the proposed interactive automated design systems, computational artificial intelligence methods allow communication by speech and natural language, resulting in analyses of design engineer's messages, analyses of constructions, encoding and assessments of constructions, CAD
more » ... system controlling and visualizations. The system is equipped with several adaptive intelligent layers for human biometric identification, recognition of speech and handwriting, recognition of words, analyses and recognition of messages, enabling interpretation of messages, and assessments of human reactions. The article proposes a concept of intelligent processing for analysis of descriptions of machine elements' structural features in a natural language. It also presents the developed methodology for similarity analysis between structural features of designed machine elements and corresponding antipatterns allowing normalization of parameters of the analysed structural solutions.
doi:10.1515/mper-2015-0023 fatcat:jwaamrxxybeflldsqvxwvmzq7e