Evidence for H-2-linked control of retrovirus production in Friend virus-induced tumor cell lines

J H Wolfe, K J Blank
1986 Journal of Virology  
In Friend leukemia virus-induced tumor cell lines derived from mice congenic with respect to the H-2 complex, most cell lines expressing the H-2k haplotype continuously produced infectious exogenous virus in culture, whereas most cell lines expressing the H-2b or H-2d haplotype stopped producing virus during in vitro passage. This apparent H-2-linked control of virus production did not appear to be the result of alteration of the provirus or resistance to superinfection. The implications of
more » ... finding with respect to virus-induced leukemogenesis are discussed.
doi:10.1128/jvi.58.3.782-789.1986 fatcat:gyy5vs5pcbcjraokvhkdrni5da