Features of negative emotional states of teachers of higher school in conditions of militarily law

Victoriia Naichuk, Vadym Shved
2022 Kyiv journal of modern psychology and psychotherapy  
The article is devoted to the problem of negative emotional states of teachers of higher education institutions in martiallaw, revealing the main results of the empirical study of negative emotional states of teachers, namely: anxiety, stress, and burnout in hostilities. Emotional states play an essential role in regulating the activities of the individual, including the professional activities of the teacher. Emotional states aim to reconcile the formation and transformation of cognitive and
more » ... litional factors. A prerequisite for the effective performance of a higher education teacher is the mobilization of mental processes and the maximum burden on human health (both somatic and psychological). The professional activity of the teacher requires him the maximum involvement of internalpersonal reserves. Because the teaching profession itself is stressful, it leads to a number of negative emotional experiences, to the formation of emotional burnout. And it is teachers who often find themselves in a crisis situation due to changes in the supra-political, economic, and security situation in the country. Education reform, the hybrid war in the East, the pandemic and military aggression against Ukraine – in the short term, these events have become a trigger not only for major changes in the education system but also for personal changes in teachers. The results obtained make possible to identify groups of teachers who are in crisis to help them. The authors note that the study of the peculiarities of experiencing negative conditions will allow the development of an effective system of prevention and correction of these conditions, which will be able not only to use existing research but also to take into account additional variables, which have become powerful stressors for highs chool representatives.
doi:10.48020/mppj.2022.01.03 fatcat:fl3ck76v3rcx5husnjopskbmzi