Special Education Student Teachers' Opinions about Online Supervision amidst COVID-19

Uzeyir Emre Kiyak
2021 Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Modern Research in Education, Teaching and Learning   unpublished
One of the main issues in the educational systems is the quality of the teachers. The quality of the teachers is directly linked to teacher training programs which consist of theory and practice. Teaching practice is of great importance especially in special education departments. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in schools and universities shut all across the world and has interrupted traditional teaching practice in education departments. Therefore, education provided to students
more » ... th special needs and supervision delivered to student teachers in teaching practice changed dramatically. The main aim of this current study is to investigate the student teachers' opinions in a special education department in Turkey about supervision provided to them in teaching practice amidst COVID-19. Thirteen student teachers were interviewed in 2020-2021 academic year and the data obtained from semi-structured interviews were analyzed using inductive analysis. Findings of the study demonstrated that online supervision had some facilities as flexibility in time and space; however, had created some difficulties especially in internet access and teaching experience with students. In addition, the participants suggested guidance for technology-based instructional tools for improve their practices.
doi:10.33422/3rd.icmetl/.2021.08.109 fatcat:xl6po5uvuvginbt6lzjledwuka