Designing and Developing Predictive Rehabilitation Management System for Patient Registry in northern Borneo

Soo Fun Tan
2019 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering  
Patient registry is an important entity in healthcare information system. It serves as the platform for accurate and fast documentations of patients' demographics, clinical information, functional improvements, treatment outcomes and managerial details. With influx of massive data gathered in registry database, predictive data analytics has increasingly been applied as mean to predict and prognosticate outcomes from diseases and treatments, based on specific patients' characteristics. This
more » ... le presents the design and development of predictive system intended for rehabilitation patient registry for information visualisation. It highlights the technical aspects of designing and developing the predictive system.
doi:10.30534/ijatcse/2019/142862019 fatcat:25abxkdruzd35odvh373tj46yq