"Reduced Forms" Influence on Second Language Learners' Listening Input-Intake Conversion

Yueyang Zhao
2021 Scientific and Social Research  
This article analyses the factors influencing the process of input-intake conversion and focuses on the effect of "reduced forms" on English as a Second Language (ESL) learners' listening comprehension. The Input Hypothesis, the Noticing Hypothesis, the input-intake relationship, and the factors influencing the input-intake relationship are critically reviewed and analyzed. The empirical study of Brown and Hilferty [1] is reviewed and discussed to show reduced forms' influence on ESL learners'
more » ... istening comprehension. The results prove that integrating reduced forms into ESL lessons is both necessary and meaningful for improving students' listening comprehension ability.
doi:10.36922/ssr.v3i5.1255 fatcat:z7gjixghu5hnbo2bznhjzvlt7a