تحلیل القیم البیئیة الاساسیة للتنمیة المستدامة فی الاعلام" دراسة تطبیقیة لمواد إعلامیة مختلفة" على شرائح من الجمهور

أحمد محمد السید سالم سالم
2020 مجلة کلیة التربیة فى العلوم النفسیة  
The study aimed to verify the basic environmental values of sustainable development in the media among university students. The researchers used the theory of (cultural implantation -development media). The study sample consisted of (300) items from "Ain Shams University students -October 6", divided (150) single students. Ain Shams University (150) October 6 University students calendar, study type descriptive study, the researchers used the descriptive approach and the curriculum content
more » ... sis tools the environmental values questionnaire the researchers preparation, the interview guide the
doi:10.21608/jfeps.2020.142550 fatcat:4vygfxyi3zgnhcgydo7lx3ddia