Gestaltegewing van geloof – Aspekte van outentieke geloofskommunikasie

Elsabé Kloppers
2011 HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies  
Faith embodied – Aspects of the authentic communication of the faith In this article a theological theory for the communication of the faith is addressed from the basic metaphor of the Church as the body of Christ, within the fields of church publications, visual communication, the worship service and church music. It is argued that words (spoken, published or sung), music, art, gestures, visual images, silences and open spaces, are all communicative actions performing on a symbolic or
more » ... cal level to express and communicate the faith. Through these communicative actions the corporate identity of the community of faith is shaped and the body of Christ is built up. It is argued that in the church the act of communicating should adhere to certain theological principles to be true to its essence and aim: to communicate the faith faithfully and trustworthy.
doi:10.4102/hts.v67i3.1166 fatcat:ayyhqkonibf3jldtkw7um7w72e