Complete Genome Sequence of Anaerostipes caccae Strain L1-92T, a Butyrate-Producing Bacterium Isolated from Human Feces

Kana Morinaga, Hiroyuki Kusada, Miho Watanabe, Hideyuki Tamaki, David Rasko
2021 Microbiology Resource Announcements  
Anaerostipes caccae strain L1-92T is a well-known butyrate-producing bacterium that has been isolated from human feces. In this announcement, we present the complete genome sequence of A. caccae strain L1-92T, which comprises 3,590,719 bp with a G+C content of 44.30%. The genome harbors 3,369 predicted protein-coding genes.
doi:10.1128/mra.00056-21 pmid:33888495 fatcat:km3ndrsorva6veaeozh2sgbuuq