The Value of Trust as a «Glue» of a Modern University's Corporate Culture

Yu. L. Petrov, G. I. Petrova
2021 University Management Practice and Analysis  
The article states the stratification of the university's corporate culture as its traditional cultural base into the institutional and administrative (realizing the «third mission» of the university and bearing the tendency of its transformation into a business corporation) and the culture of the teaching staff (which has preserved the traditional university functions) and culture. There are suggested ways to eliminate this mismatch.The authors substantiate the role and significance of the
more » ... logical attitude of the university's corporate culture to trust as a «glue» of its stratified cultural base, which maintains a balance between the traditional and modern university's mission (the concept of «glue» is suggested by the Russian researcher L. Gudkov, who uses this term to denote a mechanism holding society together into a unity and a whole).The methodology of conceptual reasoning is based on a sociocultural approach that suggests considering changes of any social institution in the context of responding to the challenge of the globalized world of network structures and market relations.The article identifies the causes and consequences of lacking coordination in the cultural base of the university.Communicative rationality, which, as a style of scientific and philosophical thinking, initiates the construction of modern social ontologies, is proven to be a possible complementarity instrument («glue») of the two university cultures. It is argued that today trust reveals its not only psychological, but also ontological and epistemological significance, orienting both components of corporate culture towards their unity in implementing of the university's research and educational missions together with its «third mission».The article originally defines the university's corporate culture as focused on the formation of students' trust as a key factor of sparing life in the modern world with its ideological, economic, and political tensions. On this basis, it is proposed to form a university management strategy and to restructure the educational process.
doi:10.15826/umpa.2021.01.008 fatcat:daxzz4mvi5bljdkdzdqoieiysy