Indication and assessment for liver transplantation

P. B. Southern, M. H. Davies
2002 Clinical medicine (London)  
Liver transplantation provides effective therapy for most forms of acute and chronic liver failure -one-year survival rates exceed 90% 1 -and the indications continue to expand. In general terms, the indications for liver transplantation are objective evidence of liver failure and subjective criteria such as poor quality of life due to liver disease and occasionally rare metabolic defects. There are objective and subjective criteria for transplantation Disease-specific criteria exist for
more » ... nt conditions Certain indications are common to all conditions, for example: failing synthetic function (serum albumin <25 g/l) complications of portal hypertension intolerable quality of life Discussion/referral should occur prior to end-stage disease
doi:10.7861/clinmedicine.2-4-313 pmid:12195857 pmcid:PMC4953387 fatcat:n2z7p33bybcgnoffej4kmwqfvy