The Solution of Environmental Problems and the Dynamics of Demographic Processes in Industrialized Regions

Anton Bel'kov, Vladimir Zolotukhin, Natalia Zolotukhina, Natalia Sedina, Marina Kozyreva, A. Khoreshok, V. Atrushkevich, S. Vöth, D. Nuray, J. Janocko, Y. Tan, D. Marasová (+2 others)
2019 E3S Web of Conferences  
The article analyzes the relationship of solving environmental problems with the dynamics of demographic processes in industrialized regions. The attention is focused on the fact that social policy, development of social infrastructure, as well as its relevance depends on the demographic processes taking place at the regional level. Especially important to improve the legal framework for the development and disclosure of human potential, regional investment attractiveness, which will ultimately
more » ... contribute to the stabilization of the demographic and socio-cultural situation both at the professional and daily levels. In this regard, attention is drawn to the fact that the disclosure of labor potential is impossible without taking into account the interests of the business community in educational technologies, in which, in the regional labor market, not only specialists with a narrow set of practical skills, but also with a wide range of fundamental training are in demand. The purpose of the development of the dominant regional segment of large business (coal companies, holdings, etc.) is the introduction of new technics, improvement of technologies, etc. in the field of mining and processing of minerals to level of competitive, environmentally «clean» product not only for foreign markets, but also for domestic consumers. The economic niche of small and medium-sized businesses are enterprises of social and infrastructure sectors of the economy. Related to this are issues of staffing, social and socio-cultural problems in the industrial development of the regions.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/201913403005 fatcat:z7ex2qndq5dk5okduo4bdsglpa