Performance analysis of grid-integrated brushless doubly fed reluctance generator-based wind turbine: modelling, control and simulation

Mahmoud Rihan, M. Nasrallah, Barkat Hasanin
2019 SN Applied Sciences  
Due to the absence of the rotor windings, the brushless doubly fed reluctance generator (BDFRG) presented a much better efficiency with less complicated control and modelling than that introduced by the brushless doubly fed induction generator. As a result, the BDFRG gained more preference than that of the doubly fed induction generator. Moreover, this result led to the emerging of the (BDFRG) as one of the most promising generators in the new modern wind turbines. This paper introduces
more » ... g as well as control strategy for the grid-connected BDFRG-based wind turbine systems. This study was carried out using MATLAB/Simulink environment. Abbreviations WECS Wind energy conversion system BDFRG Brushless doubly fed reluctance generator BDFIG Brushless doubly fed induction generator IFOC Indirect field-oriented control MPPT Maximum power point tracking MSC Machine-side converter GSC Grid-side converter SPWM Sinusoidal pulse-width modulation IFOC Indirect field-oriented control PLL Phase-locked loop * M. Nasrallah,
doi:10.1007/s42452-019-1907-0 fatcat:nevgdbyjd5ekxi6mimiooganre