Small wind in urban sectors.Review of literature and dynamic model implementation

Olatz Azurza, Pedro María García, Vicente Moreno, Julián Molina, Itziar Zubia
2013 The Renewable Energies and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)  
Large industry is focusing on off-shore wind generation solutions which permit extra large turbine dimensions. In an economically recessing situation it may be sensible to underline the good results observed in distributed and local generation. Attending to consumer proximity, cities and urban areas are to be studied. These locations present renewable resource scarcity in general. However, several authors, following the evolution of regulations in countries like UK, present the advantages of
more » ... ll wind. From the point of view of generator concept options experimental comparative analysis' results are included. Finally, a mathematical model for small radial flux permanent magnet synchronous generators (RF-PMSG) is included and verified by means of a contrasted simulator in Matlab Simulink. The implemented simulator will permit more accurate and analytical comparatives between small wind generator solutions.
doi:10.24084/repqj11.552 fatcat:4ziputrdqfbpvpvi7m3qab2dji