B-cell enforced expression of the mouse ortholog of MYD88L265P is responsible for Waldenstrom-like B-cell lymphoma [article]

Catherine Ouk, Lilian Roland, Alexis Saintamand, Nathalie Gachard, Morgane Thomas, Melanie Deveza, Nathalie Faumont, Jean Feuillard, Christelle VINCENT-FABERT
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
Here, we created a conditional transgenic mouse model with insertion of a sequence coding for both MYD88L252P and the Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP) into the rosa26-locus. B-cell specific induction of the transgene constantly led to spleen enlargement with expansion of YFP positive B-cells in 8-12 month-old mice, with a moderate B-cell proliferation increase. Being clonal or oligoclonal, these B-cells exhibited a marked morphological and immunophenotypic lymphoplasmocytic aspect with a plasma
more » ... cell transcriptomic signature and a serum immunoglobulin M peak. Therefore, continuous activation of MYD88 in mice can lead on its own to a lymphoma close to Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia.
doi:10.1101/794024 fatcat:ktg4as42bzdklgssa74jof36yq