Laundry Business Opportunities Of Covid-19: An Analyses From Maqashid Al Syariah
Arwin Arwin Adam, Besse Faradiba
LAA MAISYIR Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peluang usaha bisnis Laundry ditengah pandemi covid-19 di Parepare. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kelayakan bisnis pada aspek pemasaran, aspek manajemen sumberdaya manusia, aspek teknis dan teknologi, aspek hukum serta aspek kelayakan investasi berupa Payback period (PP), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV) dan Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Teknik sampling adalah purposive sampling dengan firman Laundry dan BMR Laundry sebagai
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... pel. Analisis data dengan maqashid al syariah al khassah ibn Asyur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan aspek pemasaran layak untuk dijalankan karena berlokasi strategis, aspek manajemen sumberdaya manusia memiliki struktur organisasi yang sederhana namun mampu memberikan keuntungan, aspek teknis dan teknologi sudah menggunakan mesin pengering, mesin cuci dengan teknologi uap, dan untuk aspek kelayakan investasi didapatkan hasil PP, BCR, NPV, IRR keduanya mampu melebihi target profit yang ditentukan oleh pemilik bisnis sehingga bisnis ini memiliki peluang yang besar walaupun terjadi pandemi di Parepare. Juga menghasilkan uraian dari 5 dimensi maqashid Khassah oleh Ibn Asyur meliputi al rawaj, al wuduh, al-hifz, al tsibat dan al adl. Kata kunci: laundry Business; Benefit cost ratio; Payback period; Maqashid al Syariah. ABSTRACK This study aimed to analyze the laundry business opportunities in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic in Parepare. This study used feasibility analysis in some aspects including marketing, human resource management, technical and technological aspects, legal aspects and investment feasibility aspects in the form of Payback period (PP), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The sampling technique was purposive sampling utilizing Firman Laundry and BMR Laundry as samples with data analysis of maqashid al sharia al Khassah ibn Asyur. The results of the research showed that the marketing aspect was feasible because it was strategically located. The human resource management aspect exhibited a simple organizational structure but was able to provide benefits. The technical and technological aspects had used a drying machine, a washing machine with steam technology, and the investment feasibility aspect obtained were from PP, BCR, NPV, IRR which both were able to exceed the profit target set by the business owner so that this business had a great opportunity despite the pandemic in Parepare. Besides, it produced a description maqashid Khassah