Attitudes to ECT – a nebulous concept with important implications

Schalk W. du Toit
2010 The Psychiatrist  
In 2009, we completed an audit with colleagues at North Derbyshire Mental Health Services NHS Trust. The results illustrated that physical examination on admission to an inpatient unit increased from 67 to 83% by the end of the audit cycle. The reasons for not examining patients varied from 'transferred from medical ward' to 'team to review tomorrow'. We encouraged the consultant-led teams to take more responsibility in ensuring that a complete physical examination (including investigations
more » ... as baseline bloods and electrocardiograms) is done for every patient admitted to the unit, and also recommended quick and easy access to physical health equipment, especially out of hours. While I appreciate the emphasis of the Royal College of Psychiatrists on increasing the awareness of physical illnesses in our client group and the importance of their detection, I believe actions speak louder than words. Our underperformance in this area is due to problems at multiple levels. Training in psychiatry has become completely detached from medicine. We need to increase psychiatric trainees' exposure to medicine by incorporating physical examination in the MRCPsych curriculum nationally and possibly offering a compulsory rotation in medicine during core training. We also need to change the ethos within psychiatric teams (in-patient and community based) by encouraging psychiatric nurses to also improve their medical skills. It can be quite tricky in out-patients to address physical health problems while also managing mental health issues. Like other services, why can't we have a dedicated nurse at the outpatient clinic who records blood pressure, measures height, weight, hip and waist circumference, and does all the routine blood tests for every patient, before they go in to see the doctor?
doi:10.1192/pb.34.5.211 fatcat:s2vkam627fd5lbtl62yf5hexda